You Matter

Led by

Youth Inter-Active (YIA)


Local (Umlazi Township and Durban, South Africa)

Stakeholders targeted

Municipality, civil society organizations

Youth rights in focus

  • Right to health, with a focus on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR)
  • HIV/AIDS and human rights
  • Right to education, with a focus on human rights education

Main objectives

  • To build the capacity of young people from marginalized communities on their SRHR, while integrating civic education
  • To build social cohesion among youth
  • To decrease the infection rate of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections among youth

Key outcomes

Adolescents and youth started making informed decisions about bodily autonomy, contributing to a decrease in the HIV/AIDS infections

Success factors

  • Cohesion with the organization
  • Research-based advocacy
  • Engaging community leaders, actors and relevant stakeholders
  • Letting the voices of youth drive the initiative


  • Social constructs and systemic barriers leading to social exclusion
  • Lack of resources to mobilize; financial barriers
  • Lack of engagement from relevant stakeholders

Lessons learned

  • Youth leadership in the implementation of policies, not only seeing youth as beneficiaries
  • The voices of those who are marginalized must be heard in order to address marginalization
  • Data collection for advocacy


Books Not Bullets

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Youth & Political Protests

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