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Engaging With The Human Rights Council

How can I engage with the Human Rights Council?

Get informed

  • Learn more about the Human Rights Council and how it operates. Visit the official website of the Human Rights Council, available at: ohchr.org/hr-bodies/hrc/about-council
  • Find out when the Council is meeting and what’s on its agenda (known as the programme of work). Find out more at: ohchr.org/hrbodies/hrc/home. You can also keep an eye on what the various expert mechanisms are focusing on too.

Follow and spread the word

Get involved and participate

  • Access the e-learning tool on the Human Rights Council and its mechanisms developed by the Voluntary Technical Assistance Trust Fund to support the participation of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the work of Human Rights Council, which consists of four modules, in order to obtain a more in-depth understanding. The e-learning tool is primarily designed for government officials from Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) but can also be useful to other audiences. The tool is available in English and French at:
  • Explore civil society resources on the Human Rights Council that provide supplementary information on how the Council works and how you can engage. The International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) has developed an online academy, available in English, French and Spanish, which includes section on the Human Rights Council:
  • Find out when reports are being submitted to the Council and submit your information on the key human rights issues facing young people on the theme in question. For more
    information, visit: ohchr.org/calls-for-input-listing
    ○ Tip: Any recommendations you include in a submission will generally be more effective if they are specific, measurable, achievable, resourced and time-bound. You can refer to Section B of the present toolkit for more information on advocacy.

Special Procedures Of The Human Rights Council?

What are the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council?